By @Itsidanimarie Welcome to another exciting installment of our "Follow Me Friday" series! This platform serves as a bridge between exceptional individuals and our engaged audience, providing a space to connect, learn, and grow together. In this edition, we are thrilled to present an illuminating conversation with the remarkable Harrison Baron. Guest Spotlight: Harrison Baron In our latest "Follow Me Friday" episode, the spotlight shines on Harrison Baron. Introduced to us through the esteemed Kevin Higgins, a prominent podcast producer, Harrison's willingness to engage with our platform reflects his open-mindedness and unwavering commitment. Decked out in a sleek black collared shirt and equipped with studio gear, Harrison exuded an aura of preparedness and professionalism. In-Depth Insights: Throughout the interview, Harrison's keen engagement and remarkable patience were evident. His recent transition to working with Managed Service Provid...